It was the first weekend of December month(2013). I was searching for the right destination which is around Krishnagiri . While surfing the internet I found a heaven which is 80 km away from my hometown . Hence the destination was fixed on gathering further information. I couldn't find enough stuff for my weekend plan. I set my mind to explore the place and decided to escape from my town before 7.00 am in the morning. When I initiated and explained about our weekend plan my friends didn't believe in me. I know the secret to convince my friends and I succeeded in that. My three friends agreed to accompany the trip was A lthaf , K arthick , N ishanth. unfortunately , N ishanth got dropped from the plan due to his prior commitment. I thought the plan was dropped. K arthick forced us to execute the plan. we decided to go ahead we called K arthick's bro V inoth for our trip he gave positive n...